Almost 25 Years Running The AAR Cuda Registry

AAR Cuda Registry… Hard to believe ive been doing this for nearly 25 years. In that time i’ve watched other people start registries for other cars most of which threw in the towel within 5 years. Along the way i’ve helped countless people reunite their engines…transmissions and various paperwork for their AAR Cuda. From starting in 1999/2000 with only 300 or so AAR’s and no paperwork and building a very rudimentary website to now having 2016 AAR’s on file various related paperwork from dealer invoices to broadcast sheets and SIAC membership applications and upgrading the site several times along the way I never thought id be doing it this long. Its time consuming and i’ve traveled up and down the east coast and into Canada and as far as Houston Texas for the love of what I do and to help others. I gotta say my fondest memory though was driving to Detroit and back in the same day just to look at an AAR…smh. So if you haven’t stopped by my site or registered your AAR with the only AAR Registry in the world here are 2 links. first one is a link to the site and second one is to the online registration page where you can register your AAR. Also you can contact me to see if I have any prior owner information or other related paperwork or information for your AAR. I also want to thank a few people… because they have contributed to helping my numbers grow over the years and some still continue to send me info. I appreciated them then as I do now. Shout out and Thanks to Rich Moyer and Dennis Drake for starters. Both of them still continue to send me info. Tom Quadrini who gave Barry Washington and myself most of the old SIAC membership applications which have helped people get prior owner information to help answer questions with their car. Greg Ward also was a huge contributor also giving Barry and myself all of his paperwork he collected over the years. Ola Nilsson for ALL the paperwork,numbers and long phone conversations over the years. Mike Hodges helped me out by giving me his picture collection of AAR’s so I could show the different colors of AAR’s and Thanks to all the individuals who sent stuff in,stopped by our tent at Carlisle to bring info in or have messaged me over the years to help in any way shape or form. I couldn’t or wouldn’t be where I am without all of you. Its extremely important to thank those who helped along the way. Not thanking them would be a serious mistake and one I won’t make. So THANK ALL OF YOU!!! For your various contributions.